How to achieve radiant skin was my No.1 priority when setting up my salon. I researched products in order for me to be able to stock a results-driven skincare line with formulations that would make actual changes and improvement to my client’s skin concerns.

I eventually found that skincare brand all those years ago and use it myself to this day. Continuing to recommend it to everyone I treat or meet who wants to achieve superior, healthy-looking skin.

That Skincare brand is Environ. The founder is a renowned South African Plastic Surgeon Dr Des Fernandes.


The cornerstone of the products are Vitamin A, and I have been a devotee for over 9 years as have many of my clients. Environ skincare is only available through authorised stockists and the leading distributor in the UK and Ireland is IIAA (International Institute of Anti-Ageing).

Two other brands from this distributor are the Advanced Nutrition Programme supplements and Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup.  I combine all three brands to treat and improve many common skin concerns.

Can we get results just by applying the Environ Vit A moisturisers?

Yes,  as the skin will be healthier, more even toned and plumper but to achieve far greater results we need to feed, repair and protect not just the top layer, the epidermis but the lower layer the dermis.

How do we do this?Through a 3 pronged approach and looking at the skin as a whole. Feeding the skin internally with skin-specific supplements fromThe Advanced Nutrition Programme. Topically applying Environ skincare and protecting with Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup.

For instance think of a house analogy in connection to the skin

For a house to stand it needs 3 structures


Bricks and Mortar


Think of the foundations as the dermis (the deeper layers of the skin), where the fibroblast cells live and are responsible for collagen and elastin production for anti-ageing.

Bricks and Mortar – this is the epidermis (the upper layers of the skin) responsible for anything we see on the surface such as pigmentation, breakouts, texture, tone, dehydration.

Roof – the top layer of the skin (the stratum corneum). This layer is part of the skin’s barrier defence system. We need to protect from UVR, particular substances, micro organisms to name but a few.

You can treat 1, or 2 but imagine what the skin would be like by treating all 3 of these layers?

As in the house analogy,  again imagine

The house has strong foundations and bricks and mortar but has lots of tiles missing from the roof, meaning the inside would have no protection exposed to the elements, rain would come in and ruin all the carpets and furniture.

Alternatively imagine the roof is intact as are the bricks and mortar but the foundations are weak. This would mean the house would not be strong and the walls end up cracking and crumbling.

How do we make our skin healthy and meet our skin goals? 

Feed the skin from within with skin specific supplements from The Advanced Nutrition Programme (the foundation of the house).

Fortify and repair the upper layers with Vitamin rich moisurisers and serums fromEnviron Skincare (bricks and mortar).

Finish and protect with Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup. Known as the Skincare make up as it’s good for the skin, non-comedogenic, anti-inflammatory and protects from the sun (roof).

If you would like more information on the above or are interested in how I can help you achieve healthy, radiant skin please get in touch here.